All of us are terrorists !

What is terrorism ? What i understand by terrorism is  spread of terror to achieve certain goals by on soft targets.
I was just wondering aren’t we all terrorists ? Don’t we terrorise people ! Off course the scale of our terrorising won’t match the actual terrorists but we do make use of this “terror” to achieve certain goals. Don’t we ?
A boss terrorises his employees by a salary cut in order to achieve certain scale of profit set by company. Siblings often create atmosphere of fear by threatening to complain  to parents. Parents terrorise their children in various ways – beating them , a drop in pocket money , house arrest , no more new material clothes.
This relation of terror is not just confined to just known persons around us but also strangers. Haven’t you heard this phrase “Jaanta nahi hai mera baap kon hai!?” At least Indians are well aware of this statement.
I know most of the examples above are  too simplistic. There is no use of arms , there is no bloodshed but still the motive is almost same “To terrorise to get our aims fulfilled”. Just wondering can’t these simple aims be achieved by love ? I know it’s way too utopian but trying has nothing pejorative. #justwondering
All of us are terrorists only the weapons differ ! ☺