Keep your eyes down , sir!


Image courtesy  : GOOGLE

I am observing something these days. It’s related to ogling. Please do tell me that if you have noticed the same ? Okay , here are my some observations :
1. Middle aged men stare the most. They give an argument that they stare because of generation gap. No one in their time used to wear such clothes. Really uncle ?  They are men who are elder to you and still very respectful. Is there no generation gap for them ?
Duh ! Silly uncles. 😱
2. Rich brats check you out more from head to toe then poor labourers of same age. Is that what they are taught at school or money has affected them to this extent that their habits are worse then an unlucky soul who never got a chance to visit a school ? 😦
3. Cosmopolitan city like in Delhi , ogling is more common than in smaller cities. (Kanpur , Lucknow , Allahabad ). Is it so ? Did you ever have such an experience ?
4. Boys specially who are on verge to attain puberty or just did attain it gawk at you like a hungry dog more often. “Beta , didi hain hum aapke ! 50 saal pehle toh hum aapki maa bhi ban chuke hote ” ( Son , we are like your elder sisters! And if were living , 50 years in past , I am confirm that I would be your mother 😛 ( child marriage and early motherhood ) ).
5. Foreigners are subject more of this harsh glare than us. No matter what they wear , they are covered or not they will see looks fixed upon them.

Have a good day 💕

Early morning surprise : Liebster Award

I woke up today to this lovely surprise from Malviika (Em’s BeautyStudy ). She had awarded me with Liebster Award. Yay.
At first I was so confused , did I really deserve this award ? Am I worth this achievement ? But when I read her post about Leibster Award , I was like ” Yes , I needed it ” . This award is given to young blogger to encourage them to keep on blogging and they are doing a good job as a blogger.
Since I have no one for now , except Malvika , I would like to give her Liebster Award. She really deserves it. An eighteen year old , doing such an amazing job.


As per the rules of Liebster award , I have to answer ten questions asked to me by the blogger who nominated me. And here are the answers for those questions.
1. Why did you start blogging ?
1. To be true , I started blogging because I don’t want to waste  much more time on stupid games and scrolling Instagram and Facebook pages. 😋
2. Share with us , what you think are essential ingredients of a good blog?
2. I think blog shouldn’t be dull and monotone. It should have excitement. So that the reader doesn’t get bored reading it and the excitement makes him waiting for the next blog.
3. One tip you want to give to all the new bloggers out there.
3. Not actually a tip , but an award : Liebster Award. You deserve it. ☺
4. One quote you live by.
4. A flower does not compete with flower next to it. It just blooms – Anonymous.
5. Name one person you really respect and why.
5. My mother. I really respect her. I want to be like her. She is too good for this world. I wish even I learn something from her and be the same person for my kids one day.
6. If you have only three things on this planet , what would they be?
6. People I love , Money and clothes ( I won’t hide , I am materialistic ! 😜 )
7. One ability or skill you want to acquire and why ?
7. The ability to control my anger. I wish I can manage my anger. Anger has made me do many irreversible things which I regret even today.
8. The one thing you never want to lose.
8. Ummm , this is a tough one. Choosing one thing is always difficult. I guess my phone. I don’t know what exactly I don’t want to lose, because I am too attached to everything I posses. No idea , sorry.
9. What do you when I am bored ?
9. I browse my old photos , edit them and upload it on Instagram. ( Too addicted , you see. )
Or colour my notebooks with crayons ( Too kiddish, you see )
Or digging graves and searching reasons to fight with my friends ( Empty mind , devil’s residence )👿
10. What is the story behind your blog name ?
10. My father named me Meghana Trivedi and my mother gave birth to me on July 12 (07/12) and so I named my blog meghanat0712.

And for Liebster award nominations , I would like to nominate anyone reading this post and also Malvika.

My questions are as follows :
1. Hello , hi how are you ?
2. What do you do ?
3. What made you choose blogging ?
4. Why is your blog named so ?
5. When did you start blogging and why ?
6. How does blogging help you ?
7. Are you scared of people judging you ? ( Reason )
8. What qualities make you attracted to a  person ?
9. Which things or feelings are given a priority ?
10. One positive and negative thing about you.